We recently welcomed Jamie to our offices to grow his knowledge in the finance aspect of our business. This was a great experience for him, and his work was invaluable to us during his stay. Here at Marsh, we understand the challenges someone faces at the start of their working career, and we use our platform to offer as much support as we can. Jamie is one of many people that we have provided an insight to the corporate world. 

Why did you choose Marsh for work experience?

Going into my final year of university, I wanted to get a feel for life afterwards which is quickly approaching. I realised that one of the avenues I wanted to explore before I began my professional career was finance, and I felt car finance was a particularly interesting sector to get started with.

How did you find your work experience?

Known/had connections with people who have worked with Marsh and heard how highly they recommended it. Reached out and was put in contact with Amber who went through the procedures with me to ensure I could have the experience I did.

What did you enjoy about your work experience?

I felt very welcome instantly, from the moment I walked in and spoke with the receptionist (who was friendly and talkative throughout my time there) up to the first time I met the finance team. Everyone taught and spoke to me with a level of respect, despite everything being new to me, and allowed me to learn aspects of their roles. Everyone patiently fitted me into their busy schedule and helped me to gain as much as possible from my experience. By the time my experience ended, I honestly felt like one of the team and I am very grateful for that.

What tasks did you undertake during your work experience?

Helping review and process new finance agreements; customer checks and analysis as well as overviewing authorisation of payments.

What did you learn from your work experience?

What I was most hopeful of gaining from my experience was to feel more at ease with working in this kind of environment – having gone from school, to university, and now soon into the working world. I certainly did feel I gained this, and it gave me the confidence to know this line of work, and being in this kind of environment, is something suited to me – something invaluable to take away from my time at Marsh.

Would you recommend Marsh Finance to other students who are looking to undertake work experience?

Yes absolutely. Particularly if one is looking to start a career in finance, the way in which I could learn and the inclusion felt from Marsh was invaluable and greatly appreciated.