The last year has been tough financially for nearly everyone; rising energy prices and a worsening economic situation have left many short of disposable income and struggling to make ends meet. This period has been dubbed the ‘cost of living crisis’, and many have sought ways to save and divert income elsewhere.

Marsh Finance has provided our top money-saving tips to consider in a cost-of-living crisis.

A red toy car on top of coins. The image is close up.

Create a budget

The first, most crucial step is to budget. List as many expenses as possible and set aside money for the coming months/ year. Creating a solid budget will identify areas to cut back and allow you to track income vs expenses.


Cut back on unnecessary expenses

Eating out and entertainment are not essential purchases. They should be looked at as unnecessary costs. These need to be cut back on, and alternative, cheaper options explored. Cooking more homemade meals and opting for more affordable entertainment can provide just as much enjoyment as going out. ‘Too Good to Go’ is a fantastic app for cheap, high-quality food. This app allows you to pay small sums for restaurant food that has yet to be served to customers. The food has yet to be used, and you pick it up for a much smaller fee than you would if ordered fresh with them.


A hand places a coin into a piggy bank.

Find the best rates and bills and negotiate if you need to!

You can improve your rates with your service providers (internet, phone, TV). The same goes for electricity, gas, and water providers. Speak to all your providers and see if there are any promotions for existing customers. Alternatively, shop for a new provider that can provide better rates for the same outcome. Do not be afraid to negotiate for better deals

Sell any unused household items.

We all have those days when we clear out unwanted things we are not using, and we are urging you to do so again and look to make as much money as you can. Anything from old kitchen appliances to clothes can provide much-needed income at a time when you need it most.

An above shot image of a trolly with cardboard present boxes in. The cart is surrounded by cardboard shopping bags. All of this sits on a light coloured wooden floor.

Cancel unneeded subscriptions

Anything from Apple TV and Netflix to Spotify adds up over time. Cutting back provides you with much-needed disposable income. Any magazine subscriptions are non-essential and must be cancelled for now.

Become more energy-efficient

The leading cause of the cost-of-living crisis is the rise in electricity and gas bills. Making your home more energy efficient will reduce costs by moving away from traditional energy sources whilst helping you do your bit for the environment. Switching to smart boilers and LED lights are just two ways you can reduce the energy expenditure in your home and consequently save you money. We recommend you investigate ways to become more energy efficient, as this will reduce bills by a significant amount

Reduce transport costs

Petrol prices have shot through the roof during the cost-of-living crisis, so now is the best time to carpool to work. Another option is to look at using alternative methods such as public transport and biking, which will cut expenses, as fuel in most cases contributes to at least £100 of monthly payments. Cutting back on fuel usage gives you the spare money to enjoy a meal out somewhere or to pay any outstanding bills.


The cost-of-living crisis has impacted families across the UK and left many in financial difficulty. We at Marsh Finance hope these tips ease financial burdens and help you make the most of your money.